STRATOS MAGAZlNE targets and reaches an affluent niche market, specifically those who utilize private jet aircraft to satisfy their travel requirements. Published exclusively for these elite travelers, STRATOS is an in-flight book that reaches America's top CEOs, senior corporate executives, institutional investors, corporate directors, investors and wealthiest individuals. Their lifestyle and financial achievements make them quickly identifiable as the upper 1% of the overall U.S. population.
STRATOS is designed, edited and produced to appeal to these upscale, well educated, involved individuals whose need to travel swiftly and privately - as well as to utilize their time most effectively - is vital.
The lifestyle-enhancement editorial of STRATOS focuses sharply on the business and active leisure pursuits of the publication’s affluent readers, a significant number of whom are entertainment celebrities, sports personalities, and high-level executives in a wide variety of corporate categories. Within the magazine’s eclectic editorial mix are timely, informative features of particular appeal to upscale tastes: watches, fashion, jewelry, luxury automobiles, wine, spirits, wealth management, and such popular outdoor participant activities as golfing, angling, skiing, adventure travel, hunting, and boating.
Regular departments and feature stories are designed and created to focus on topics these upper echelon corporate and private travelers care about and enjoy!
- This editorial focus includes:
- Premier travel and adventure trips
- Real estate and property
- Upscale destinations that offer challenging golf courses, excellent angling, skiing, hunting and boating
- High end automobiles
- Profiles of personalities
- Corporate leaders and celebrities
- Aviation
- Fine art, luxurious products including timepieces, jewelry and men’s fashion
- Exclusive dining and extraordinary foods